Real estate available on this channel includes agricultural, commercial, industrial, residential properties and raw land. We also offer manufactured housing and office units for sale. Our listings of real properties available for public and private purchase are updated with each new release by the U. S. Government. The Government Surplus channel also has specialized brokers and other professionals on hand to connect prospective purchasers with expert assistance and support.


Technologically advanced channel of Government Surplus real estate listings.

Real Estate comes into U. S. Government hands by purchase, seizure and forfeiture. When these properties serve no public purpose, or become under-utilized, sale is often the best option. Sale of these assets brings official end to the heavy carrying costs of any payments in lieu of taxes to local governments (PILT), interest on bonds and  insurance costs. Sale also puts these assets back into productive, taxable, private use or provides new benefit by placing them into another beneficial public use. Government Surplus truly provides a public service by connecting potential buyers to these available U. S. Government Surplus property offerings. Here is where to start your property search!


Government Surplus offers a technologically advanced disbursal network for real estate.

Channel Presentation

Government Surplus real estate listings appear in a regularly updated and readily navigable format.

Commercial & Residential:

Government Surplus offerings include single home properties and those for multi-residential use. Properties for commercial and industrial use are included among the listings on our channel. Buy them for your own use, fill them with tenants. This is the perfect place to start a real property portfolio or add more properties to your existing investments.

Thank you for visiting Government Surplus.

Industry Alliance

We look forward to showing you new properties during each visit.

Xtra Technologies

Real Estate for Home, Office and Industry is worth your while to follow.

Mas Technologies, Plus Extra

The Government Surplus team of tech and real estate experts specializes in a wide range of commercial and residential dispersal projects for the public and private sectors.

Sales, marketing, networking, planning and management of channel logistics and security provisions are handled by Government Surplus Experts.